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Or Maybe Not?

January 19, 2011

So remember how I posted about how perfect our timing was?  Yeah it wasn’t that long ago.  Well I may have been wrong.

The IUI went so well, everything was so so perfect.  Too perfect.  I have yet to see my temperature rise since then.  This does not make me happy.  The day after the IUI I felt crampy and moody, then a sudden sharp twinge of pain in my abdomen and the cramps subsided.  Sounds a bit like ovulation, no?  I was further convinced that everything was timed just right.  And yet, the next morning, my temperature was not up.  And it is still not up, six days later.

Now I realize there are a lot of variables involved in every cycle.   One particularly annoying variable in this one is that I have been waking up about an hour earlier than normal every single day since the IUI, since coincidentally we got our new bed on that same day, and the cats feel like trying to shred the boxspring at about 4:45 every morning.  I wake up, tell them off, and then I’m awake enough that I figure I should take my temperature.  So *maybe* my low temps are because I am temping earlier than normal.  Maybe.

But I am a seasoned veteran in disappointment at this point, and I know better than to hold on to something like that.  So today I am going into my ob/gyn’s office to have blood drawn and test my progesterone levels.  This will presumably reveal whether I actually ovulated or not.  I have to admit I’m not holding my breath.  But I continue to take OPK’s every day, and they are all negative.  If I haven’t ovulated yet, based on past Clomid cycles, I should ovulate within the next couple of days.  So it’s possible I’ll have my answer before the bloodwork comes back, if I get a positive OPK in the meantime.

We haven’t decided for sure if we’ll go for *another* IUI should I get a positive OPK in the next few days.  It’s hard to face spending that much money in one cycle.  I’m pretty sure we’ll just abstain for a few more days and then when the time comes (if the time comes) we’ll try the natural way and hope for the best.

So I can’t rail and wail and complain just yet, as who knows, maybe the bloodwork will say that I did ovulate nearly a week ago and we timed everything just as wonderfully as we thought.  But the cynic in me is ready to start the bitching and moaning already.  I guess the bright side of this is that one way or another, this cycle is not a lost cause just yet:  either I did ovulate and the IUI has a chance at success, or I have yet to ovulate and we still have a chance to conceive this cycle.

2 Comments leave one →
  1. January 19, 2011 11:13 am

    God, I can’t imagine how frustrating that must be. Your clinic doesn’t have a “oops we missed the date now you get a free one” kind of thing??

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